| Senin, 23 Mei 2011 | |
Cycling is on the rise today. In the current era of motor, it turns out it was the desire to ride high. Bike shops were not lonely customer. Bicycles sold sold like french fries, and some even run out of stock. Dijualpun bikes that range from Mountain Bike (MTB) and the trend is the "Seli" AKA folding bike. The phenomenon of cycling is quite interesting and worthy of support to reduce pollution. After Bike Seli, there again appeared a new type of bicycle that have been widely used by the goweser, particularly during Car Free Day in Renon. Bike is a bicycle type Fixie or often referred to the type of Fixed Gear. This bike comes with simplicity and with a unique look that is usually made ngejreng. No cables are transverse except for Front brake cable. What and how that fixie bike? The following brief explanation.The word comes from the word Fixie Fixed Gear. What is a Fixed Gear? Fixed Gear is, the gear behind the contrived death with hubs (as) the rear wheels. So the bike will pedal as the wheel rotates perputar participate. To halt or reduce the rate of bicycle, simply by holding round pedal backwards (for who does not use the front brake). Formerly called the Doltrap. And actually this is the main thing that distinguishes bicycles fixie with other types of bikes. Do any misunderstanding with the Torpedo. If the torpedo is still able to stop pedaling the pedals at the rear wheels spinning. The equation is, to put the brakes together by pressing the pedal a bicycle backwards. Many have incorrectly installed this gear so that the desire to make it even so the bike fixie single speed bike with a torpedo. To speed itself mostly uses single speed, so the bike fixie will give a simple impression both in appearance because there is no gear cables a transverse speed and the mechanical gear to make the rame. And also ease of maintenance.

Well, another thing that characterizes the fixie bike is the frame. Actually there is no fixed rule for this frame, there is a use MTB frame, even low-rider frame. But most are using the old racing bike frame, with the fork (front fork) is flat. Maybe use a racing bike, the display will be more minimalist and sleek. Frame can be selected from iron or aluminum that let more light but the price is more expensive. Color body frame was painted over genjreng (this is also the main attraction himself to bike fixie) like white, red, yellow, green and others. For the handlebar itself is no longer using the handlebar horn sheep models, mostly using models such as the straight handlebar MTB model. For wheels and tires alone, using a thin tires with tires that big circle is usually a 27 ". colors were selected tire and wheel colors genjreng also, white, red, yellow, dllnya. Saddle, saddle the model selected thin / slim to fit the frame. Saddle is selected according to taste and comfort in bergowes. Colors were chosen that genjreng. For the cost of a fixie can be relatively cheaper especially if we assemble themselves, and more patience in the hunt for its components. Now complete is about the physical form of the FIXIE this. Candidates for the goweser Poison conch.
To note again when bergowes with the Fixie is, safety, convenience, and the like. Why, because when this fixie bicycle, the pedals will continue to spin when the rear wheels spinning. Especially during the descent, must be very clever to set the pedals and wheel spin. moreover, do not use the front brake. for this security then you should use the front brake. In addition, when the road turned and dropped to imagine if the pedal is positioned at the bottom turn, can lead to conflict with the road. The possibility of injury will be greater, especially in the knee, because they have to hold round of the rear wheels to reduce the rate of bicycle. Do not want bertrendi bergowes ria and even become injured. We must familiarize themselves before using this fixie bike before using it for heavy terrain. Congratulations bergowesss ... ..

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