Understanding Graphic Design By The People

| Senin, 23 Mei 2011 | |
Graphic design in the view of Communication Science is a method of delivering tangible visual message text and images from the communicator to the communicant. In designing a newspaper for example, graphic designers require knowledge of kebisaaan the media reader for easy design layout and visual matching. This is the motive for the message conveyed by the media is going to be accepted and to the reader. Graphic design is also commonly called a visual communication design. 
Communications expert, Everett M. Rogers defines communication as a process in which an idea is transferred from the source to the recipient or more, with a view to changing their behavior.
While Shannon and Weaver (1949) to understand the communication as a form of human interaction that influence each other. Not limited to verbal forms of communication using language, but also in terms of facial expression, art and technology.

Hafied Cangara (2000) in Introduction to Communication Studies notes that the communication can be accepted as art. Cangara Clearly, the communication has aesthetic value that is applied in communication practices such as news writing, romance, novels, broadcasting for radio, television, graphic arts (graphic-pen), rhetoric, acting, scenario writing, writing books and so forth. So. it is clear there is a red thread that connects the communication with the practice of graphic design.

In simple and clear communication formula established by David K. Berlo in the 1960s. He calls it as SMCR formula, namely: Source (source / sender / communicator / sender / encoder), Message message / content / information), Channel (channel-channel, media) and Receiver (receiver / decoder). 
Some definitions of graphic design from the figures include:

According Suyanto graphic design is defined as "the application of art and communication skills for business and industry needs." These applications can include advertising and product sales, create a visual identity for the institution, products and companies, and environmental graphics, information design, and visually enhance the message in the publication.

Meanwhile, Jessica Helfand defines graphic design as a complex combination of words and images, figures and charts, photographs and illustrations that require special thoughts of an individual who can combine these elements eleman, so that they can produce something special, very useful, surprising, or subversive or something easy to remember.

According to Danton Sihombing graphic design employs a variety of elements such as markers, symbols, verbal descriptions are visualized through typography and images with photographic techniques or illustration. The elements are implemented in two functions, as visual devices and communication devices.

According to Michael Kroeger, Visual Communication (visual communication) is the practice of theory and concepts through visual terms-terms by using colors, shapes, lines and alignment (juxtaposition).Warren in Suyanto sense of graphic design as a translation of ideas and place into some kind of structural order and visual.

While Blanchard defines graphic design as a communicative art-related industries, art and process of producing a visual image on any surface.In general understanding of graphic design is one form of art (drawing) applied which gives freedom to the designer (designer) to select, create, or adjust the way elements such as illustrations, photographs, writings, and the lines on a surface in order to produced and communicated as a message. Pictures and signs that used to be a typographical or graphical lainnya.Desain media generally applied in the world of advertising, packaging, film, and others.

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