Braking basic techniques Fixie Bike!

| Senin, 23 Mei 2011 | 0 komentar |

Tips on How Brakes Bicycle fixie:

1. Choose a safe area to practice braking fixie, usakan surface smooth and free from lalulalang vehicle.

2. Make sure use a bicycle helmet while riding your bike fixie, because there are likely to fall while practicing incubation fixie.

3. Try to have your fixie bicycle pedal brace overalls, or clipless pedals for a foothold is not easily separated.

4. Start with a low speed, you with the perfect footrest on clipless pedals.

5. If you are ready to stop or braking fixie, slide your weight gets a little forward, while pushing you toward the opposite pedal fixie. Permanent keep the balance, if you want to move forward, return the position of the body and point you in the future fixie bike pedals.

6. Repeat the above repeatedly fixie braking maneuvers to advanced. You need to know, the farther forward you lean, the faster bike fixie you quit.


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Cycling is on the rise today. In the current era of motor, it turns out it was the desire to ride high. Bike shops were not lonely customer. Bicycles sold sold like french fries, and some even run out of stock. Dijualpun bikes that range from Mountain Bike (MTB) and the trend is the "Seli" AKA folding bike. The phenomenon of cycling is quite interesting and worthy of support to reduce pollution. After Bike Seli, there again appeared a new type of bicycle that have been widely used by the goweser, particularly during Car Free Day in Renon. Bike is a bicycle type Fixie or often referred to the type of Fixed Gear. This bike comes with simplicity and with a unique look that is usually made ngejreng. No cables are transverse except for Front brake cable. What and how that fixie bike? The following brief explanation.The word comes from the word Fixie Fixed Gear. What is a Fixed Gear? Fixed Gear is, the gear behind the contrived death with hubs (as) the rear wheels. So the bike will pedal as the wheel rotates perputar participate. To halt or reduce the rate of bicycle, simply by holding round pedal backwards (for who does not use the front brake). Formerly called the Doltrap. And actually this is the main thing that distinguishes bicycles fixie with other types of bikes. Do any misunderstanding with the Torpedo. If the torpedo is still able to stop pedaling the pedals at the rear wheels spinning. The equation is, to put the brakes together by pressing the pedal a bicycle backwards. Many have incorrectly installed this gear so that the desire to make it even so the bike fixie single speed bike with a torpedo. To speed itself mostly uses single speed, so the bike fixie will give a simple impression both in appearance because there is no gear cables a transverse speed and the mechanical gear to make the rame. And also ease of maintenance.

Well, another thing that characterizes the fixie bike is the frame. Actually there is no fixed rule for this frame, there is a use MTB frame, even low-rider frame. But most are using the old racing bike frame, with the fork (front fork) is flat. Maybe use a racing bike, the display will be more minimalist and sleek. Frame can be selected from iron or aluminum that let more light but the price is more expensive. Color body frame was painted over genjreng (this is also the main attraction himself to bike fixie) like white, red, yellow, green and others. For the handlebar itself is no longer using the handlebar horn sheep models, mostly using models such as the straight handlebar MTB model. For wheels and tires alone, using a thin tires with tires that big circle is usually a 27 ". colors were selected tire and wheel colors genjreng also, white, red, yellow, dllnya. Saddle, saddle the model selected thin / slim to fit the frame. Saddle is selected according to taste and comfort in bergowes. Colors were chosen that genjreng. For the cost of a fixie can be relatively cheaper especially if we assemble themselves, and more patience in the hunt for its components. Now complete is about the physical form of the FIXIE this. Candidates for the goweser Poison conch.
To note again when bergowes with the Fixie is, safety, convenience, and the like. Why, because when this fixie bicycle, the pedals will continue to spin when the rear wheels spinning. Especially during the descent, must be very clever to set the pedals and wheel spin. moreover, do not use the front brake. for this security then you should use the front brake. In addition, when the road turned and dropped to imagine if the pedal is positioned at the bottom turn, can lead to conflict with the road. The possibility of injury will be greater, especially in the knee, because they have to hold round of the rear wheels to reduce the rate of bicycle. Do not want bertrendi bergowes ria and even become injured. We must familiarize themselves before using this fixie bike before using it for heavy terrain. Congratulations bergowesss ... ..

Understanding Graphic Design By The People

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Graphic design in the view of Communication Science is a method of delivering tangible visual message text and images from the communicator to the communicant. In designing a newspaper for example, graphic designers require knowledge of kebisaaan the media reader for easy design layout and visual matching. This is the motive for the message conveyed by the media is going to be accepted and to the reader. Graphic design is also commonly called a visual communication design. 
Communications expert, Everett M. Rogers defines communication as a process in which an idea is transferred from the source to the recipient or more, with a view to changing their behavior.
While Shannon and Weaver (1949) to understand the communication as a form of human interaction that influence each other. Not limited to verbal forms of communication using language, but also in terms of facial expression, art and technology.

Hafied Cangara (2000) in Introduction to Communication Studies notes that the communication can be accepted as art. Cangara Clearly, the communication has aesthetic value that is applied in communication practices such as news writing, romance, novels, broadcasting for radio, television, graphic arts (graphic-pen), rhetoric, acting, scenario writing, writing books and so forth. So. it is clear there is a red thread that connects the communication with the practice of graphic design.

In simple and clear communication formula established by David K. Berlo in the 1960s. He calls it as SMCR formula, namely: Source (source / sender / communicator / sender / encoder), Message message / content / information), Channel (channel-channel, media) and Receiver (receiver / decoder). 
Some definitions of graphic design from the figures include:

According Suyanto graphic design is defined as "the application of art and communication skills for business and industry needs." These applications can include advertising and product sales, create a visual identity for the institution, products and companies, and environmental graphics, information design, and visually enhance the message in the publication.

Meanwhile, Jessica Helfand defines graphic design as a complex combination of words and images, figures and charts, photographs and illustrations that require special thoughts of an individual who can combine these elements eleman, so that they can produce something special, very useful, surprising, or subversive or something easy to remember.

According to Danton Sihombing graphic design employs a variety of elements such as markers, symbols, verbal descriptions are visualized through typography and images with photographic techniques or illustration. The elements are implemented in two functions, as visual devices and communication devices.

According to Michael Kroeger, Visual Communication (visual communication) is the practice of theory and concepts through visual terms-terms by using colors, shapes, lines and alignment (juxtaposition).Warren in Suyanto sense of graphic design as a translation of ideas and place into some kind of structural order and visual.

While Blanchard defines graphic design as a communicative art-related industries, art and process of producing a visual image on any surface.In general understanding of graphic design is one form of art (drawing) applied which gives freedom to the designer (designer) to select, create, or adjust the way elements such as illustrations, photographs, writings, and the lines on a surface in order to produced and communicated as a message. Pictures and signs that used to be a typographical or graphical lainnya.Desain media generally applied in the world of advertising, packaging, film, and others.

5 Mistakes In Typography

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In media advertising, Typography plays a very important. Typography is the media who will be the key point to convey the messages so as to achieve a goal. A good typography in advertising media are not only beautiful and nice views, but also correct and appropriate as a medium capable of delivering one-way communication to target marketing. What good is an interesting typography if you can not read!? Typography as it only will change the role as an image or images on display as a charm, but is not able to explain any purpose that is contained therein.

Here are the important things I get from various sources and personal experiences about the mistakes that are fatal in a typography in advertising layout design:

1. Large Font

The main thing to consider is the big letters that you use to mark the type of message from a text.
do not provide the font size is too small for a title that is almost indistinguishable from other text, and do not give the size that is too large to look too prominent and contrast with other tezt thus making the message delivered by a non-title text neglected.
Make a list of the sequence to mark the type of text such as titles, subtitles, content, etc. as a reference to the font size you'll use later.

2. Font Color

Customise font with background color background for readability. Fonts are hard to see because 'collision' with the background color will not only make the message does not arrive, but also quite irritating the reader. like blogs for example, the reader will not willingly flashing in front of the monitor screen just to read your writing. Even if the blog content is important enough for them, most are also in Copas and read the note pad.

3. Too many fonts

Another fatal case was using too many fonts in a layout. This is very dangerous, because it can blur the focus of the message. As a result, the intent of the message was not conveyed properly.

4. Fonts are hard to Read

Perhaps seduced by the shape ins and outs fonts or something, so many who make this mistake. Use fonts in place. Readers will not stop from when you're driving only to see clearly the name of a shop that uses the font is so complicated that it is hard to read while passing.

5. Neatness

Neatness is the most often overlooked by most graphic designers in doing the layout design. While neatness is the key that makes the reader interested to see more about the message contained in a media.

Basic Masking Techniques in Photoshop Masking

| Minggu, 22 Mei 2011 | 0 komentar |
With a simple and easy technique, we will process ordinary photos into a stunning masterpiece. Masking is very useful because it is damaging / changing the original photo.

Compared with the Eraser Tool, it would be wise if you use a masking technique. The original photo will not be disturbed and we can easily remove the masking effect (if one day there will be a change / revision).

To start this tutorial you can download the texture of watercolor paper and brushes and watercolor brush 2 which we will use. Stock photo would I prepare the documents that you can download it at the end of the post.

Step 1
Open the photo in Photoshop.

Then change the layer "Background " locked into "Layer 0" by way of Double Click on the layer "Background" is.

Step 2 
This is the core of this tutorial. Change the name "Layer 0" to "photograph".

Create a new layer (layer 1) in the bottom layer "photo" and then Right Click on layer "image" and select Create Clipping Mask.


Photos will be lost. Stay calm because it is so. Follow the next steps.

Step 3
Time to experiment! Click on Layer 1, and start using the brush you've downloaded earlier. By applying the brush on the layer 1, the images will begin to appear (this can be called UnMask).

Do not forget to change the name of "Layer 1"to "brush".

Step 4
Use paper textures you've downloaded as the background on the work. This is a personal choice, you can use another background texture and taste your own.  

Yes, until we're done here! Quick and easy is not it? 

Final Results
I played a little Brightness / Contrast on the texture of paper and photographs. And also reduce the Saturation in the photo, the result looks like below.


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Mural is how to draw or paint on the media wall, the wall or surface area of the other permanent.

In contrast to the graffiti that more emphasis only on the content of the writing and most are made with spray paint, the mural is not the case, the mural is more free and able to use the media paint the walls or paint wood paint or dye even anything like chalk or other device that can produce image


| Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011 | 0 komentar |
A group of troops by wearing sweaters and masks while carrying spray paint in hand began to walk through the streets of Jakarta. After a while they could remain silent under the fly over, with a significant look which looked at the walls are empty and dull. A second later their hands began to spray the wall with spray paint. No one knows what they created at the time, until the next morning road users start astonished with the work of those bombers. And work is what we know as? graffiti?.

Graffiti itself comes from the Italian language? graffito? and finally popularly known as graffiti. No one knows clearly this one when art became popular in the world, which obviously is some evidence indicates that the graffiti was there during the reign of the Roman empire. Graffiti also began to change from time to time and finally we are now more familiar with modern graffiti. In some countries, graffiti becomes a matter that is unlawful, in Indonesia itself is not clear articles about this one. If the bomber caught red-handed, they only have to remove their work is. Graffiti itself can be a means of bombers to voice their social life. But now even more inclined graffiti as a form of creativity in art.